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Knowing Your Worth

This blog isn't about your personal worth- that is a topic for another time. I'm talking about your BUSINESS worth. How much is your time working worth? What about your mental capacity?

I could give a big talk on all of this and STILL have more to come back and add later.

You may or may not know that I recently redid my graphic pricing, the services I offer, and my website was updated as a whole. Why? Well it comes down to knowing my worth.

Do I know the graphic templates I create are worth more than what I am now charging for them? Yes. Do other people see that? No. Does that frustrate me to no end? YES.

I've had people ask me to change my price because they are in another country and it costs THEM more.

I've had people ask me to brand their graphics for no charge.

I've had others ask me to PRICE MATCH other creators.

Bish, do I look like a Target to you?!

I get it, YOUR time, money, and energy are valuable, but you don't get to devalue mine.

It is more than this as well. In our culture, we have developed this idea that someone we are paying for a service is indebted to us and should do as we say- no matter the cost to the actual person. We see them as a service output and nothing else. We forget they are an individual too who is trying to achieve their own goals and happiness.

We have developed the idea that this person we are employing can't fire us. They are too indebted to us as we threw some money their way. That this isn't a relationship, but a dictatorship.

Add in the idea that is deep rooted in many direct sales team teaching that you should and will do anything to get the sale and keep the customer.

Combine all of that together and you get a messed up view that eventually runs you ragged and destroys your self worth.

In 2022, I've rebuilt my mindset to the idea of building working relationships with my clients over being subservient to them. That boundary and mindset has been grating to many. That's ok, we all have our own boundaries and not everyone will get that.

With changing my mindset, I also determined I was going to reach a hand out to more people as I could. When I finished the year of graphics, I evaluated my time, energy and what I had invested and I knew I could make a change that would help to build better relationships with everyone. I decided that I wasn't devaluing myself with the price change, I was moving some of the value off of me and into future relationships.

As I head into a busy school month, I'm furthering putting in boundaries based on my worth, time, and current relationships. I won't over extend myself just because others need or want me to.

I would enjoy hearing a business idea you are rewriting in your head to better serve yourself and your business. Many times we don't realize we need to repair an issue until others are doing so as well.

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