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Say Hello to Felicity

As we grow and evolve, we all learn different things about ourselves and the different ways we channel them all.

I have talked about how years ago how much my start with Passion Parties changed me and helped me to realize my calling was helping womxn like me. Womxn who didn't feel comfortable in their own skins, who didn't feel comfortable being themselves, who needed to be empowered- multiple ways. Doing Passion Parties (which was bought by Pure Romance) is something I severely miss- the instant connection and satisfaction knowing that I had helped at least one person every night. I still think of it often.

I decided to try something new six months ago, and in the last month it has become very apparent that I want to use that channel to continue trying to empower womxn... let me backtrack a bit!

Years ago, my mom attended the Burlesque school here in Seattle. I wanted to do it myself once I was old enough and quickly claimed a name. Being the Potter head I am, it obviously had to relate; mix in my Friday the 13th birthdate and having a history of “luck”- I knew I wanted it to be a play or Felix Felicis. Felicity was the obvious feminine form and every Felicity I had read about had always been this fierce and seductive person. The idea of Felicity Felicis was official.

Obviously, years have gone by since this happened, kids have been born, businesses have opened and closed, pandemics have occurred. I honestly don’t know who started the joke but it started circulating in a select group of bishes I should write Romance or Smut stories… Always a joke with a tinge of truth. I started to take it more seriously when we were recording the podcast. Summer happened with all of the crap with it. With the complete mental breakdown, I decided “Fuck it, let’s do it. Write the books. Use the boudoir photos to inspire stories. Whatever just go for it.” And I have started.

In the last month though, I decided I don't want to just write romance, I want to write 'self-aware romance'. Basically- real-life romance. Bring in things I have actually done (like pick a fight when I am hungry and they have had a few to drink) or other scenarios my friends have experienced. Making it so it is romance but it isn't just the happy perfect we have all gotten so used to in romance. Not all my stories will be like that, there will still be plenty of straight-to-the-point smut so many of my friends have asked for.

Once a month I am going to be putting up a free story on my website under the Felicity Felicis tab and I am hoping to do paid-for content as well! I may be like “pay to view early” sort of situation. Some stories will be from the perspective of Felicity while others will just have her as the author. Some spicy, some sweet. I will do my best to tag my stories so you can see topics or rate of spiciness beforehand.

Now, I’m aware this won’t be for everyone. That’s fine. And just like when any of what I do, you aren’t required to participate!

I wanted a little bit of my alter ego with me always so I got a vial of Felix Felicis with some Rosemary for abundance and wealth to have with me always! It’s just the linework for now but the color is coming next month! So now you are all clued into a part of me I was keeping under wraps until I was ready to share!

I can't wait to get some stories up for you and will hopefully have a schedule soon! Tell me what you are thinking of this all! I always value input!

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